Wildlife Gardening with Paul Peace

Wildlife gardening - timely advice throughout the year, projects etc. Information on wild flowers, birds, butterflies, bumblebees, mason bees, ladybirds, lacewings, frogs, etc. If it's to do with garden wildlife, you will find it here!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sedum spectabile - the September spectacle!

Insects, including bees and butterflies, are flocking to the lovely pink flowers of ice plant (Sedum spectabile) in search of late nectar. The seed heads might be taken later by goldfinches. In spring the bracts around the stem will form a water reservoir which attracts insects and small birds.

Some bird species are more noticeable again after lying low for their summer moult. The quiet may be more prolonged for other species as they forego the bird table in favour of the bountiful supply of natural food in the countryside. Others have left or are leaving for warmer continents such as swifts, swallows, pied flycatchers, willow warblers and some blackcaps.

Year-round bird feeding is recommended by leading bird welfare organisations. However, there is no need to overdo it in early autumn. This is a time of plenty, with a variety of natural foods on offer in gardens such as insects, seeds, nuts and fruit.

For more wildlife gardening advice, ebooks, information, projects and jokes please visit: www.thewildlifegarden.co.uk


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