Wildlife Gardening with Paul Peace

Wildlife gardening - timely advice throughout the year, projects etc. Information on wild flowers, birds, butterflies, bumblebees, mason bees, ladybirds, lacewings, frogs, etc. If it's to do with garden wildlife, you will find it here!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Nipping the nettles for nursery nibbles

The warmer weather can lead to excessive growth of algae and pondweed. This needs to be gently removed and left where pond life can find its way back into the water. It makes an excellent addition to the compost heap. Try to avoid other kinds of pond maintenance at this time of year, however, because eggs, such as those of damselflies and dragonflies, may be disturbed or disposed of with plant material.

If you have a nettle nursery for butterflies, cut it down by a third this week. This will provide fresh green shoots for red admirals and a second generation of commas and small tortoiseshells. This is the perfect time of year, ensuring newly laid eggs are not cut away. Existing caterpillars will enjoy the lush new growth. Leave the cuttings on the nettle bed to give caterpillars and other animals chance to find their way back onto living leaves and also to enrich the soil.

For more wildlife gardening advice, ebooks, information, projects and jokes please visit: www.thewildlifegarden.co.uk


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