Some summer migrant birds arrive this month after spending time in warmer winter quarters. Swallows and house martins arrive from
Africa and some goldfinches return from their Spanish retreat, for example.
Cherry trees remind us that spring is in full swing. As well as providing nectar for insects they sport fruits for birds and small mammals later in the year.
A number of wildlife friendly shrubs can be pruned in April. Viburnum bodnantense has provided an important source of nectar during the winter months when few other flowers were open. Thin it out if necessary by pruning out older shoots. Flowering currants will have been visited by innumerable bumblebees and after flowering they should be cut back to old wood. Insects take nectar from cotoneasters in summer and in autumn birds will feast on the berries. Evergreen cotoneasters should be pruned now although deciduous ones are best pruned in late winter.
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